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Auto-switch­ing ser­vice for elec­tric­ity and gas tariffs


cheapenergy24 offers an automatic switching service for electricity and gas so that customers are always provided with the best tariff. The switching assistant takes on the entire process, continuously compares different providers and optimizes electricity and gas contracts in due time. cheapenergy24 keeps a share of the savings as commission, decreasing with each optimization.

The makandra team was responsible for relaunching the cheapenergy24 platform.

In addition to redesigning the front and back end, essential contracting processes were digitized and automated as far as possible. makandra also ensures the stable operation of the application.


Energy Industry


Ruby on Rails, Integration of an external CMS


Digitization of Processes, Digitization for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Hosting and Administration

Our solution for cheapenergy24

Optimization of data processing and maintenance

The goal of the relaunch was to structure the platform more efficiently and intelligently for both visitors and cheapenergy24 employees. Apart from a new layout and improved customer journey, processes "behind the scenes" were optimized. This included adapting and gradually automating the management and maintenance of contracts and customer data. Amongst others, relevant contract data can now be extracted from the providers' mails and processed automatically. 

Furthermore, tool-based data evaluation was introduced to facilitate business planning and assessment. By relaunching the site with automated contracting processes, cheapenergy24 can now serve their clients in the best possible way - while growing their customer base at the same time.

Hosted on makandra‘s high-avail­abil­ity infra­structure

The availability and security of the data managed by the application is essential for cheapenergy24. The entire system runs on makandra's highly available infrastructure - of course located in Germany. All systems are consistently redundant and thus ensure stable operation.

Screendesigns Insights into the project

We are extremely pleased with the imple­men­ta­tions of makandra. Thanks to process automa­tion, we now have more capac­ity to offer our cus­tomers the best pos­si­ble ser­vice and sup­port. We are already look­ing for­ward to fur­ther coop­er­a­tion with the makandra team!
Tilo Vieten Managing Director cheapenergy24

Project scope Our services for cheapenergy24