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corify industry ensurances

DevOps: Build­ing an AWS infra­struc­ture for corify

Corify corporate ensurance

corify enables businesses to finalize industrial insurance contracts more easily and quickly. By simplifying and digitizing the insurance business, better risk partnerships are enabled for all participants.

We are delighted that we were chosen to support corify in providing the infrastructure required for their application.




GitLab, AWS, Terraform, GitOps, Kubernetes, Fluent-Bit


DevOps as a Service
makandra came highly rec­om­mended by a col­league from the Hypoport par­ent com­pany. We were look­ing for an expe­ri­enced part­ner to assist us in the com­plete recon­struc­tion of a plat­form infra­structure.
Sebastian Titze Corify GmbH
Sebastian Titze CTO Corify

Our solution for corify

Setting up an AWS infrastructure according to current best practices

AWS was chosen as the provider for the infrastructure because it can provide server performance cost-effectively and efficiently. We had already gained important experience with AWS in several previous projects, including a project for a large, federally owned mobility group in Germany.

In addition to planning and implementing the infrastructure on AWS and setting up the server landscape, our assignment also included setting up Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). As the application is based on microservices, the infrastructure had to be designed accordingly.

Instead of classic Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud instances, we used Spot Instances. The use of Spot Instances enables the platform to be operated cost-effectively and with high performance for the customer. Spot Instances are ideal for workloads that are flexible and not time-critical, such as CI/CD pipelines.

Security and testing

As it was important for us and corify to guarantee the security of the infrastructure, we have installed automatic security scans.

Time frame

The project lasted from February 2022 to February 2023 and was completed on time and to the complete satisfaction of our customer.

Technologies used

- GitLab for version management
- Continuous integration pipelines for CI/CD - AWS for the entire infrastructure - Terraform and GitOps to manage infrastructure as code - Kubernetes for container orchestration - Fluent-Bit for sending logs to a central location

We were very sat­is­fied with how the pro­ject was imple­mented. Besides the exist­ing tech­ni­cal know-how, the col­lab­o­ra­tion was pro­fes­sional, very open, and col­le­gial from the start. Addi­tion­ally, they proac­tively helped us in areas not directly related to the infra­struc­ture setup, par­tic­u­larly with com­pli­ance and data pro­tec­tion topics.
Sebastian Titze CTO corify

Technical implementation

Best practices for microservices - IaC and autoscaling

With Infrastructure as Code, we have set up the provision and management of the IT infrastructure in an automated, reproducible and scalable way. We also integrated autoscaling to ensure that the application is able to respond quickly to changing requirements while optimizing costs by scaling as needed. The concept for the infrastructure and the operating concept was also developed by our DevOps experts.

Automated dependency updates with Renovate

To ensure that all dependencies of the microservices are always up-to-date and that no security issues or incompatibilities arise, we used Renovate. This automatically updates the dependencies of the microservices. As Renovate automates the update process, the software quality and stability are improved. The corify team, to which we handed over the application, thus saves time and effort that would normally be required for manual checks and updates.

We would highly rec­om­mend makandra. They assisted us in build­ing a com­pletely new plat­form, and their expe­ri­ence has con­tributed sig­nif­i­cantly to the good progress of the project.
Sebastian Titze CTO corify

​Video Interview about the corify project

In this interview, Sonja Bürgle, Head of Business Operations at corify, talks about the collaboration with makandra. How did the project come about? Did we live up to the expectations? We really enjoyed the collaboration and are delighted that Sonja took the time to talk to us.

Project scope Our ser­vices for corify