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Migra­tion of the hosting infra­structure


HeiaHeia is a digital wellbeing platform used by employers, insurance companies, health providers and public health organisations. It allows virtually anyone to set targets and keep track of your wellbeing in a digital journal, to access digital training programs, and to connect with friends, family and coworkers for support and encouragement. HeiaHeia has been adopted by thousands of wellbeing programs in dozens of countries, increasingly so during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The application, that was previously hosted on AWS, was migrated by the makandra team to their own infrastructure. The main reasons for the migration were lower costs and the possibility to outsource all hosting services to the dedicated DevOps/SRE team of makandra.


Healthcare Services


Ruby on Rails


Hosting and Administration

Our Solution for HeihaHeiha

All previous services replicated

Before the migration, the new setup was coordinated in detail. All services previously used on AWS were replicated. The system architecture was set up and tested within a few weeks. The migration was successfully completed with a short planned downtime.

Hosted on makandra’s high-avail­abil­ity infra­structure

Availability and security of all data was a major requirement for HeiaHeia. The entire environment is running on makandra's high-availability infrastructure in a data center in Germany. By consistently configuring all components for redundancy, we make sure all data is secure and the application is always available.

After the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the migra­tion pro­ject, we can say that it was the absolutely right deci­sion to work with makandra. The pro­ject was per­fectly imple­mented and every­thing is run­ning smoothly. We were espe­cially happy that all of makan­dra's SRE/​Ops tech­ni­cians felt part of our team, were very respon­sive and took care of the appli­ca­tion with full ded­i­ca­tion. We are look­ing for­ward to fur­ther coop­eration!
Jussi Räisänen Co-Founder H2 Preventive Health Solutions Ltd

Project scope Our ser­vices for HeiaHeia