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In use on makandra projects: An open source front-end framework for modern web applications.

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What is Angular?

Angular Logo

Angular is an open source front-end framework developed by Google. It supports developers in creating dynamic and responsive web applications. It is based on TypeScript, a typed variant of JavaScript, and provides a robust environment for the development of single-page applications (SPAs).

Since its introduction in 2016, Angular has had a significant impact on the way web applications are developed.

Advantages of Angular Why we use Angular

Consistent code base

Thanks to TypeScript and a clear structuring of projects, the code remains maintainable and understandable even for large applications.

High performance

Angular optimizes applications for a fast loading time and smooth user experience, even for complex tasks.

Modular architecture

Angular makes it easy to reuse code and components, which reduces development time and increases quality.

Active community and support from Google

Continuous development and a strong community ensure that Angular always remains at the cutting edge of technology.

Integrated tests

A high priority for us: Angular offers integrated tools for unit tests and end-to-end tests, which facilitates quality assurance.

Advantages of Angular compared to React

We use both React and Angular in our projects. While React is often considered the most flexible front-end framework, Angular offers clear advantages for large-scale projects thanks to its completeness and structure. Depending on the project, we use either Angular or React. The advantages of Angular at a glance:

  • Comprehensive framework
    Unlike React, which often requires additional libraries, Angular offers an out-of-the-box solution with a clear framework and tools for everything from routing to form validation.
  • Strict architecture
    Angular relies on a fixed project structure, making it easier to manage large teams and complex projects.
  • Bidirectional data binding
    Angular enables automatic synchronization between model and view, which speeds up the development of interactive applications.
  • Enterprise-grade solutions
    Angular is particularly popular with companies that rely on stability and long-term support.

FAQ about the front-end framework Angular

Angular is an open source front-end framework developed by Google and based on TypeScript. It is a complete, structured framework that provides developers with a variety of tools and best practices for creating modern web applications. Angular is particularly suitable for the development of single-page applications (SPAs), where most of the logic takes place on the client side and the page does not have to be completely reloaded each time.

The framework supports a modular architecture and offers a variety of integrated functions, such as bidirectional data binding, components, dependency injection and routing. This enables Angular to create dynamic, powerful and scalable web applications.

There are several alternatives to Angular that can be considered depending on the use case and preferences of the development team:

  • React
    A JavaScript framework developed by Facebook. In contrast to Angular, React is only a library for the development of user interfaces. React is particularly known for its flexibility, as it allows developers to integrate their own solutions for state management, routing and other functions. Due to the many advantages of React, we also use it on projects. 
  • Vue.js
    Another popular framework that is characterized by its simplicity and flexibility. Vue.js has a low barrier to entry and is suitable for both small projects and large-scale applications. It offers many of the same functions as Angular, but often in a simpler form.
  • Svelte
    A relatively new framework that is characterized by its innovative approach to web development. Unlike Angular, React and Vue.js, Svelte compiles applications into highly optimized vanilla JavaScript code at build time, resulting in very fast and efficient applications.

Angular in its current form was released in September 2016 and is the successor to AngularJS, which was first introduced in 2010. While AngularJS was based on JavaScript and used a different architecture, the release of Angular 2 marked a complete redevelopment of the framework, introducing TypeScript and integrating many modern web development concepts. Since then, Angular has been continuously developed and regularly released with new versions and improvements.

Angular was developed by Google, more precisely by the so-called Angular team within the company. The team works in close collaboration with the developer community to continuously improve the framework and adapt it to the current requirements of web development. The development of Angular is strongly influenced by the requirements of large, data-intensive applications, such as those used at Google itself, which underlines the stability and scalability of the framework.

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