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Inter­na­tional Com­mis­sion for Alpine Res­cue (ICAR)

Plat­form for exchang­ing infor­ma­tion among moun­tain res­cue orga­ni­za­tions inter­na­tionally

ICAR helicopter

The International Commission for Alpine Rescue (ICAR) is an international association of various mountain rescue organizations. The main web platform ICAR provides mountain rescue organizations with an open platform for exchanging know-how. The primary goal is to improve the quality and safety of mountain rescue operations and exercises.

The team of makandra was responsible for relaunching the platform. In addition to the redesign of the website, new functionalities were added to the application.


Mountain Rescue, Emergency Management


Ruby on Rails


Digitization of processes,
Hosting and administration

Cre­ation of a mod­ern web solution

The goal of the restructuring was to make the use of the platform more efficient and easier for all parties involved. In addition to a revised structure of the website, back-end processes were also highly automated, facilitating the exchange and maintenance of data both internally and externally. makandra carried out a complete migration of the legacy system. 

As a result of the optimizations, ICAR saves valuable time in website maintenance, which can now be invested in the administration and interaction with member organizations.

makandra imple­mented the pro­ject on time so that we were even able to make improve­ments within our time bud­get. Thus, we still had time to pre­pare the appli­ca­tion our­selves. We are really thrilled with the coop­eration.
Gebhard Barbisch ICAR
Gebhard Barbisch Terrestrial Rescue Commission - Commission President ICAR

Screen designs Insights into the project

Oper­a­tion on redun­dant infra­struc­ture

The topic of security plays an important role for ICAR not only in mountain rescue, but also for data. The entire system is operated on makandra's highly available infrastructure — of course, located in Germany. 

All systems are consistently designed with redundancy to ensure stable operation.

Project scope Our ser­vices for ICAR

Digitization of processes
Hosting and administration