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A plat­form to man­age air pas­sen­ger com­pensations

justclaims provides airlines with a digital end-to-end solution for handling air passenger claims in a transparent and efficient way. With a high degree of automation, efficient internal and external communication, payment solutions, detailed analytics and reporting as well as an e-billing function, the claims handling process can be centralized and simplified significantly. The platform enables airlines to improve response times to passengers, enhance quality, balance out fluctuations and thus promote customer loyalty.

makandra helped kick-off the project and developed the platform. makandra also provides hosting and maintenance. The first international airline already got on board and is successfully working with the application.


Tourism, Airline


Ruby on Rails


Digitization of processes,
Hosting and administration

Screen designs Insights into the project

Han­dling claims in a sim­ple and fast manner

One of the biggest challenges for makandra was to create a powerful application that is also easy to use for air passengers facing stressful situations such as flight delays. The implementation of automated checks and verifications helps airlines to quickly handle the claims. Upon approval, payments to the customers are triggered directly.

Trans­par­ent cost management

Bespoke reporting systems help airlines keep track of processing times, payments and other statistics. This allows them to monitor costs and benefits in detail.

Hosted on makandra’s high-avail­abil­ity infra­structure

Availability and security of all data was a major requirement for the client. The entire environment is running on makandra's high-availability infrastructure in a data center in Germany. By consistently configuring all components for redundancy, we make sure all data is secure and the application is always available.
When we had the idea to cre­ate a claims plat­form for air­lines, we were soon look­ing for a part­ner that could take care of the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion. The makandra team con­vinced us entirely with their extremely pro­fes­sional work­ing man­ner and out­stand­ing results. We loved work­ing with makandra. They pro­vided us with a pow­er­ful appli­ca­tion that is already cre­at­ing great inter­est within the air­lines community.
Ulrich Steppler
Ulrich Steppler Managing Director CHS Claims Handling Solutions

Project scope Our ser­vices for just­

Digitization of processes
Hosting and administration