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October 08, 2024

Infrastructure as Code

Challenges with IaC and how you can overcome them. Includes a free white paper.

Infrastructure as Code

In a previous blog article, you were introduced to the fundamental benefits of Infrastructure as Code (IaC). Now you are ready for the next steps. Although IaC has many benefits, there are also certain challenges, especially if you are just starting out. 

To help you on your way to a successful implementation of IaC, we will highlight these hurdles and challenges in this blog article. At the same time, we will provide suggestions for solutions that have helped us on our projects.

Challenges of Infrastructure as Code

1. High learning curve and lack of acceptance in the team

The switch to IaC requires a change from traditional, manual processes to automated, code-based approaches. This requires not only new technical skills, but also a change in working methods. Teams need to familiarize themselves with software development methods such as version control, code reviews and CI/CD processes. This may initially be met with resistance.

Suggested solutions:

  • Training and education: Invest in training to equip your team with the skills they need.
  • Mentoring and pair programming: Use experienced team members as mentors and encourage pair programming.
  • Gradual introduction: Start with simple projects and gradually increase complexity.

2. Configuration deviations due to manual intervention

Manual changes to the infrastructure can lead to discrepancies between the defined code and the actual infrastructure. This often happens when team members make changes via the console instead of recording them in the code.

Suggested solutions:

  • Create awareness: Inform the team about the risks of manual intervention.
  • Strict guidelines: Establish rules that prohibit manual changes and ensure that all changes are documented in the code.
  • Automated monitoring: Use tools that compare the infrastructure with the IaC code and detect deviations.

3. Regular updates and maintenance

The rapidly evolving technology landscape requires frequent updates to IaC scripts. Changes to cloud providers can lead to compatibility problems if the IaC configurations are not adapted in good time.

Suggested solutions:

  • Automated update processes: Implement automatic update mechanisms for your IaC tools.
  • Subscribe to notification services: Stay informed about changes in the technologies you use.
  • Rollback strategies: Develop plans to be able to fall back to stable versions in the event of problems.

4. Automated rollout of changes

Automated deployment carries the risk that errors can quickly affect the entire infrastructure. Comprehensive testing and validation processes are required to prevent this.

Suggested solution:

  • Multi-stage deployment pipelines: Use deployment pipelines that test changes in different environments before they go into production.

5. Complex dependencies and interactions

In extensive systems, changes must be carefully planned to avoid unintended effects on other components. This requires a deep understanding of the infrastructure and its dependencies.

Suggested solutions:

  • Infrastructure orchestration: use tools such as Terraform or AWS CloudFormation to manage dependencies.
  • Automated dependency tracking: Use frameworks that automatically analyze and display dependencies.

6. Balancing act between security and user-friendliness

Handling sensitive data such as passwords and API keys is a challenge in IaC environments. Such information should never be stored in plain text in the code.

Suggested solutions:

  • Secrets management tools: Use tools such as HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager to securely manage sensitive data.
  • Environment variables: Integrate Secrets into your CI/CD pipelines via environment variables.
  • Automated rotation: Implement processes to regularly update secrets.


Infrastructure as Code offers numerous advantages such as greater efficiency, consistency and automation. However, implementation also brings challenges, such as the need for a high learning curve, the avoidance of configuration deviations and the constant maintenance of IaC scripts. However, by engaging with our proposed solutions, these challenges can be successfully overcome. With a structured approach and suitable tools, your company can take full advantage of IaC and take your IT infrastructure to the next level.
Free white paper: The ultimate guide to Infrastructure as Code
Learn more about the definition and benefits of IaC, the most important IaC tools, first steps, best practices and challenges. Download our comprehensive whitepaper.
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