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April 12, 2024 A peak behind the scenes

For we developed a digital, automated claims portal for flights. Get a peak behind the scenes of the project.


Starting point of our journey: The creation of

In 2022, there were 32.2 million flights worldwide. With such a large number, things can go wrong: Delays, lost luggage, canceled flights. Airlines have to compensate for these disruptions and problems in order to comply with passenger rights. offers an efficient and automated solution for this. The application was designed and developed by makandra and is also hosted by us.

The company was founded by a team of aviation lawyers. The platform acts as a digital end-to-end tool that focuses on automation, effective communication and detailed analysis. This simplifies the processing of claims for the service provider and reduces costs. Justclaims ensures a faster response time for passengers. Through comprehensible and highly automated steps, various payment methods, reporting functions and integrated communication solutions, airlines can centralize their processes, monitor legal expenses and survive in a highly competitive market environment.

The path to an efficient platform

However, before the web application could be successfully implemented, some challenges had to be solved at the beginning. 

The main task was to develop a user-friendly application that would allow passengers to easily record and track their claims. To ensure speedy processing by the airline, processes with automated checks and consistency checks were established. As soon as the claims are positively assessed by the responsible staff, refunds can be transferred immediately.

Reaching your goal through data

The platform makes it possible to keep track of average processing times, the amount of payouts and a variety of other statistical data using analysis tools. This allows airlines to keep an eye on the costs and efficiency of the system at all times.

Technology meets expertise

The claims platform for airlines was implemented convincingly thanks to the technical implementation by makandra and the excellent results. Ulrich Steppler, Managing Director of CHS Claims Handling Solutions GmbH, emphasizes the importance of this successful collaboration and how it has contributed to the realization of a market-leading platform.

Infrastructure: Focus on efficiency and safety

The extensive technical infrastructure that makandra provides and manages is an essential part of the platform. The redundant design of systems is crucial to ensure high availability and reliability. Particularly noteworthy is the server location in Germany, which not only stands for first-class security standards, but also ensures compliance with strict data protection guidelines. Thanks to competent hosting and our comprehensive administration services, we can offer our users a constant and secure operating environment. These technical and operational highlights form the basis for making a trustworthy and efficient platform.

The vision for the platform

Thanks to the successful collaboration, was able to implement an innovative solution for the aviation sector. Passengers benefit from fast, simple and secure processing of their claims. We look to the future with confidence, with plans to continuously develop the platform, which can be used by more and more airlines to improve their claims processes.

When we had the idea to cre­ate a claims plat­form for air­lines, we were soon look­ing for a part­ner that could take care of the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion. The makandra team con­vinced us entirely with their extremely pro­fes­sional work­ing man­ner and out­stand­ing results. We loved work­ing with makandra. They pro­vided us with a pow­er­ful appli­ca­tion that is already cre­at­ing great inter­est within the air­lines community.
Ulrich Steppler Managing Director CHS Claims Handling Solutions GmbH
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