Online advice platform by young people for young people who have problems online

JUUUPORT is an advice and information platform that offers young people support with problems in the digital space. Support is provided by volunteer JUUUPORT scouts who advise their peers in difficult situations such as cyberbullying, internet fraud or data protection issues.
In more complex cases, the scouts are supported by experienced specialists from the fields of psychology, education, online counseling and law. The service is supplemented by comprehensive online guides, the latest news on digital dangers and helpful information material to make it easier for young people to use the internet safely.
makandra accompanied the conception, development and UI & UX design of the counseling system on the JUUUPORT website with the aim of creating a user-friendly and effective solution for young people. In addition, makandra is responsible for hosting and operating the counseling platform.
Key challenges
- Redesign of a user-oriented and youth-friendly advisory platform
The existing solution, a classic form with several fields on the website, was perceived as unappealing and no longer up to date. The aim of the project was therefore to develop an appealing and functional platform that is specifically tailored to the needs of the young target group. - Optimization of the editing processes and efficient support for the scouts
Another main focus was on optimizing the cumbersome and not very user-friendly editing processes. The new platform was also intended to reduce the workload of the scouts in the advisory process.
Screen designs Insights into the project
Our solution for JUUUPORT
Modern design and youthful communication style
Responsible handling of sensitive data
Sensitive data is stored in encrypted form and processes are anonymized after a while to protect those affected. A special approval process ensures that serious cases are taken over by qualified teams, such as the specialist psychological team.
Process optimization and case categorization
The new processes have been improved so that the categorization of cases is much more efficient. The aim is to respond to all inquiries within 48 hours. This is supported by a notification system that informs specialist advisors both when new inquiries are received and in the event of possible delays in order to ensure prompt processing and optimal management of the advisory process.
The collaboration with makandra was consistently positive. The team impressed us with their warm and professional support and a customized web solution that perfectly matched our needs. The individual approach and commitment exceeded our expectations. Highly recommended!
Technical implementation
At the beginning, the goals and challenges of the project were determined through first discussions and a workshop with the customer and an initial idea was developed. Based on this, a detailed user flow was created and specific wireframes were developed to comprehensively map the user journey. The next step was to create the actual design. A comprehensive design system was developed for this purpose, which included everything from the basics such as colors, typography, graphics and layouts to individual components and fully developed screen designs for desktop and mobile views.
The result is a landing page with a chat look. This means that those seeking advice don't have to type their request into a dull form, but have the feeling that they are writing to a friend via social media (including emojis and voice messages).